Excellent Work From Our Team at A Residential Property
From a simple call WestCross to a transformational result!
We received a call via Checkatrade from a concerned homeowner who discovered they had asbestos textured coatings on their walls and ceilings at their home.
Our team promptly took on the task with textured coating removal to lath plaster ceiling and walls across two rooms.
Anyone in our line of work knows the intricacies when dealing with these jobs, but Artur, Cooper, Igor, and Matt navigated this challenge with supreme skill.
The outcome? A superb, back-to-brick finish, now waiting for the homeowner to embellish with art and hangings as they consider their interior plans.
We’re immensely proud of our team’s effort, and the feedback from one delighted client demonstrates this. Artur, Coops, Igor, and Matt – your hard work has not gone un-noticed.